5 Ways To Prevent Older Pipes From Leaking

5 Ways To Prevent Older Pipes From Leaking

If you have an older home, it’s likely full of older plumbing. Aged pipes can cause some inconvenience in your daily routine, especially if they begin to leak. Here are a few ways to prevent older pipes from leaking.

Don’t Jostle the Pipes

Under-sink cabinets in kitchens and bathrooms are great places to store items, such as cleaning products or spare towels. However, there are also pipes inside these cabinets that you can jostle while storing items.

It’s okay to continue putting items under your sinks, but be sure not to overstuff the cabinets. This reduces the risk of damage to your pipes.

Prepare for the Cold

In winter, it’s common for pipes to burst due to extreme cold. Wrapping any exposed pipes in insulation can help prevent this. It’s also good to drip your faucets, especially overnight when the forecast predicts a hard freeze. Finally, cracking open your under-sink cabinets allows the warm air to circulate around the pipes, preventing freezing and damage.

Soften Your Water

Hard water can cause leaky pipes too. The water eventually forms white precipitates along the plumbing fixtures. This can damage the way the pipes fit together, causing leaks to occur.

Lower the Water Pressure

Excessive water pressure can damage the plumbing over time due to the stress it puts on the components. The pipes’ fittings can then weaken, which will cause leaks.

If your water pressure is over 55 pounds per square inch, it’s too high. Turning it down will ensure your plumbing stays in working order.

Use the Right Fittings

Using poor-quality fittings can lead to plumbing issues down the road. But choosing high-quality options, such as copper plumbing fittings, will help keep your pipes leak free. Use these five ways to prevent older pipes from leaking, and you shouldn’t need to worry about plumbing issues.