How Often Should You Update Your Bathrooms?

How Often Should You Update Your Bathrooms?

How often you should update your bathrooms depends on a host of factors. Here are some indicators that it’s time to make the update.

Update If: It’s Nonfunctional

There’s no timeline for this one—if your bathroom is simply not working for you or your family for any reason, it’s time for an update. Common issues besides mechanical failure include inaccessible layouts and lack of storage. If your bathroom is simply too small for the people who need to use it, then expansion or remodeling may be your best bet.

Update If: Fixtures Need Replacement

Based on the lifespan of your appliances, your bathroom needs remodeling every 10 to 15 years. Around this time, you may start noticing pipes leaking or other issues. Toilets, faucets, and showerheads have a finite lifespan. If you find yourself replacing one, then the other and the next, you might as well use this as an opportunity to update the entire bathroom.

Install newer fixtures designed to save water, resist corrosion, and provide greater comfort. You could also opt for energy- and resource-saving appliances such as automatic faucets that turn on and off in response to motion.

Update If: It Feels Outdated

If you’re the kind of person who loves to stay up to date on the latest trends, you should at least partially renovate your bathroom every five years. Color, pattern, and hardware preferences change so frequently that waiting any longer risks your bathroom feeling outdated.

And if you currently aren’t happy with the space’s aesthetic, it’s time for an update. Life is too short to be irritated each morning by a drab space that should be relaxing you.

Updating your bathroom can be a great DIY project if you’re giving the space a facelift. Before you rush out to your nearest hardware store, check out our great selection of home remodeling supplies available at wholesale prices.